FLEXBELT® crankcase heaters are designed for a quick, easy and safe use. This heater could be fitted on a round or eliptical regrigerated compressor unit. Crankcase heaters are used in the refrigeration industry and cold refrigerated systems. As a manufacturer, Flexelec also offer a large range of heater cords, heating cables, tape heater, and heating mats. To ensure that these heating belts enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device. FLEXELEC's range of flexible heating elements is manufactured in accordance with quality requirements, not only from the technical standpoint, but also in the way in which our different departments work closely with each other and with our clients. The thermal, electrical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of our products are designed, validated and checked in our laboratory throughout the manufacturing process and then monitored during the years they are in production for optimum safety and traceability.
Our heating cables and elements

FCH crankcase are fitted to refrigerating compressors to prevent the coolant from being absorbed by the oil. The lower the temperature, the quicker and the more complete the absorption, which can seriously damage the compressor, especially when starting up, through lack of lubrication. To ensure that these heating belts enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

FCHK crankcase heaters are fitted to refrigerating compressors to prevent the coolant from being absorbed by the oil. The lower the temperature, the quicker and the more complete the absorption, which can seriously damage the compressor, especially when starting up, through lack of lubrication. The integrated thermostat on the crankcase heater makes it autonomous.