Heat tracing applications are plentiful and various. FLEXELEC provides adapted solutions to heating cables used in various sectors such as construction, building, industry and even the private sector. We offer you our experience of more than 40 years in manufacturing and design of heating cables, heating tapes, heating cords with a complete range of accessories. FLEXELEC provides serial heating cables, self limiting heating cables, constant wattage heating cables and many other heating elements to answer your needs. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device. FLEXELEC has held ISO 9001 certification and is proud to add every year to the list of countries in which its products are certified.
Our heating cables and elements

Self-regulating heating cables of the FSJ range are used to protect against freezing or to maintain moderate temperatures.

Self-regulating heating cables of the FSO range are used to protect against freezing or to maintain moderate temperatures.

Self-regulating heating cables of the FST range are used to protect against freezing or to maintain moderate temperatures. Cable FST/TP/30 is recommended for protecting against freezing in gutters. Cables of type FST/TP and FST/TF can, with the appropriate accessories, be used in an explosive atmosphere. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

FSX self-regulating cables are recommended to protect against freezing or to maintain high temperatures. Cables of type FSX/TF can, with the appropriate accessories, be used in an explosive atmosphere. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

FSH2TP has been studied and designed for maintaining the hot water supply at a constant temperature.