FLEXELEC provides a wide range of FLEXKIT® accessories adapted to heating cables in order to realise an installation in the best conditions. Aluminium adhesive tape, heat tracing warning label, cable gland, junction box and other accessories suitable to your application are available to answer your needs. FLEXELEC's range of flexible heating cables is manufactured in accordance with quality requirements, not only from the technical standpoint, but also in the way in which our different departments work closely with each other and with our clients.
Our heating cables and elements

Junction box – IP 55 - 7 entries 20mm . For the connection or derivation of heating elements.

Junction box – IP 55 - 7 entries 25 mm . For the connection or derivation of heating elements.

Junction box IP65 for hygrothermostat FX/CDM2 and FX/CDM3, power modulator FX/DC1P, thermostat FX/TM3.

Pipe bracket with bending strip and screws for FLEXKIT FX/AT2 and FX/JB

Stainless steel support pipe bracket for FLEXKIT thermostat and junction box.

Tube of room temperature vulcanisation silicon. 2 capacities.

End mould seal for heating cables end circuit. FLEXTRACE FTP – FTTH. End mould seal for heating cable end circuit FLEXTRACE FTSH

Aluminium adhesive fixing tape 50mm x 50m to fix heating cable on dry surface.

20mm nylon gland to be used with junction box and design for heating tape.

Gland designed for the fitting of the heating cable FLEXTRACE FTX on a pipe.

Adhesive labels « ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACING » to be use for any heat tracing application.

Junction box EEx "e" IIC for heating elements – T6 with 4 entries and 2 stoppers

Heating element fixation hook for downfalls

Box with 25m of metallic fixation for underfloor heating element KY, KYCY, KYCYR or KYX.