Heating cables for gutters and roofing
Stop snow and ice from building up in gutters, roof valleys, drainpipes or roofs by using heating cables. If these drainage systems are out of action, water could overflow and damage facades. Similarly, icicles that have formed along roof edges can be dangerous for passers-by, and snow building up on roofs with a small gradient can weaken the structure of the building.
Please see below to find more information about our heating products for this application: FLEXTRACE® self limiting and constant power parallel heating cables and FLEXFLOOR® underfloor heating cables. You can also download our brochure dedicated to the building industry, you will find the main example applications of our trace heating cables, heating tapes, heating mats, heating cords and other flexible heating elements.
FLEXELEC Expert manufacturer of flexible heating cables and elements for all kinds of temperature maintenance.
How to stop snow and ice in gutters with heating elements : discover the installation in video!